Texas Cyberbullying Laws and What to Do if You're Charged

Cyberbullying may seem like a minor crime, but it has become more serious in the last few decades as the internet has become more popular and younger generations have gained greater access to social media platforms. Because cyberbullying can lead to both physical and emotional injury, it’s essential for the state of Texas to criminalize this behavior so both kids and adults take it seriously.  If you’ve been charged with cyberbullying, you may need the help of a Dallas criminal defense lawyer from Chris Lewis & Associates P.C. to clear your name. Although the laws surrounding cyberbullying are real, each case is unique and must be examined individually.

What Is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is defined in Texas as a person using any electronic communication device to engage in bullying or intimidation. Because cyberbullying is done from behind a screen, it’s more common and requires less courage than traditional bullying. Cyberbullying is often anonymous, which makes it hard to prosecute; however, with the right technology, cyberbullies can be identified.

Penalties for Cyberbullying

Defendants convicted of cyberbullying in Texas may face societal punishments, such as expulsion from school or termination from a job, as well as criminal penalties. Depending on the severity of the crime, a cyberbully can get charged with disruptive activities, which is a Class B misdemeanor and can result in up to $2,000 in fines and up to 180 days in jail. 

Defense Strategies for Cyberbullying

If you’ve been charged with cyberbullying and you don’t think your charge was warranted, you may be able to use the defense of freedom of speech or the defense of unreasonable perception. When looking at the context of the situation, your actions may have been justified or the plaintiff may have acted just as badly toward you.  

Consult a Dallas Criminal Defense Attorney

Discussing your charges with an experienced attorney can be beneficial if you hope to fight your case. To speak with a Dallas criminal defense lawyer from Chris Lewis & Associates P.C., call 214-522-9404 to schedule a free consultation, or visit our website for more information.


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