What Does a Criminal Lawyer Really Do?

People sometimes talk about criminal defense lawyers in negative ways. They say things like, “They don’t really do much to help you.” The people who say these things probably had a bad criminal lawyer.  Not all criminal defense lawyers are equal, just like not all doctors are equal. You have to find one that cares about helping people, is good at their job, and doesn’t back down. Learn what a criminal lawyer really does by reading on.

Four Ways Your Criminal Lawyer Can Help You

Your defense attorney starts by examining your case and finding the ways they can help you. One way they might be able to help you right away is to give you legal advice to improve your overall situation. They can advise you what to say and not say to police. They can advise you on how to make this situation better for you and your family. Another way your lawyer can help you is by getting you out jail. Your lawyer can speed up hearings and work to convince the judge that you deserve to be in the community.  A third way your lawyer can help you is by putting together the best defense case possible for your situation. They will look at every detail of your case to find any way to get your charge dismissed. If a case dismissal is not possible, they can litigate your case in court on your behalf. If a plea agreement is the best option for your situation possible, your lawyer can likely get a better plea agreement than you can get for yourself. They could possibly get you a reduced charge or reduced penalties.

Reach Out to a Criminal Attorney in Texas

You can see that a criminal defense attorney in Texas can help you if you have the right one. Call the right one at Chris Lewis & Associates to learn your criminal defense options. Visit our website for more information or call 214-522-9404 to speak to a lawyer now.


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