Common Types of White Collar Crime

White collar crime is a serious problem, and it’s one that could affect the finances of many people connected to the crime or the criminals involved. Unfortunately, you may be learning firsthand how seriously white collar crime is taken.  However, you may not even be sure what counts as white collar crime. If you’re struggling to understand the charges against you or what white collar crime is, checking out our list of some of the most common types of white collar crime. 

Investment Schemes

Many people invest their money in the stock market, hoping to see high rewards for their efforts. Unfortunately, the stock market is constantly changing, which means that a bad day could cause you to lose thousands of dollars or more.  Investment schemes push people to invest with the promise of high rewards for a low risk. These scams require people to invest their money with the promise of a high payout if the company’s stocks rise above a certain point. When those numbers don’t rise, the people lose their money.  Investment schemes can vary, but they all have one goal: to get investors to risk their money on an investment that very likely won’t be successful. 

Identity Theft

Identity theft can affect anyone, including children, and it could have lifelong financial impact. If you’re accused of identity theft, you’ll need to talk to your lawyer about protecting yourself from penalties for identity theft.  Your identity is used to open credit lines, make major purchases, and to undertake other financial concerns. When someone steals personal information, like a Social Security number, they can use that information to open lines of credit they don’t intend to pay, for example. That could affect the victim’s financial situation for years, even if the convicted person pays their fines and other funds for the victim’s recovery.  Because of the impact on victims, identity theft is taken seriously.

Tax Evasion

Essentially, tax evasion involves failing to pay your taxes. If you willfully fail to pay your taxes, you could face federal charges for the offense.  Keep in mind that underpaying your taxes could also lead to accusations of tax evasion. If you’re charged with tax evasion, your financial situation will be assessed to determine whether you intentionally concealed assets that would have affected your taxes. 

Talk to Your Dallas White Collar Crime Lawyer

White collar crime is a serious charge, and it’s one that could affect your life moving forward. No matter what type of white collar crime you’re accused of, you could face serious penalties if you’re convicted.  That’s why you may need to talk to a lawyer at Chris Lewis & Associates about your white collar crime charges. Your criminal defense lawyer can review your charges and help you build a defense for your case. They can also represent you in court, taking some pressure off you. Their experience can get you closer to a reduced or dismissed charge.  If you’re ready to talk to a lawyer, give us a call at 214-522-9404 or visit us online.


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