Are There Defenses Against Conviction of a Sex Crime?

Being convicted of a sex crime is probably one of the worst types of convictions a person can have. Your life will be completely changed if you’re convicted.  You could be forced to register as a sex offender, and you could be unable to work certain types of jobs (the good kind). You could be unable to live in certain neighborhoods, be around children, or go to certain places.  You might not be able to be around your own underage family members without supervision. In addition, some people who are convicted of sex offenses must be on probation for life—for life. Imagine never having your freedom again. Your life would never be your own. There is one way to avoid losing your freedom, diminishing your job prospects, and all the other negative consequences of a sex offense conviction. You must avoid conviction.

How to Fight a Sex Offense 

Defenses do exist against sex crimes, but you will have to be brave and take on the prosecution. Of course you don’t have to be alone. A criminal lawyer can help defend you against conviction. You could win and never have to deal with any of the negative penalties associated with a conviction of a sex offense. Here are some defenses against sex crimes. You are completely innocent. You didn’t do it. You are either being set up, falsely accused, or they’ve got the wrong person. You don’t have to prove your innocence. Your lawyer simply has to prove that the prosecution doesn’t have enough evidence to prove you did anything wrong. For statutory rape, your age can sometimes be a defense if you have recently become an adult and the person you were having sexual relations with was less than three years younger than you. Consent is also a defense. If the sexual act was between two adults and was consensual, it isn’t a crime under most circumstances. 

Call a Sex Crime Lawyer

Reach out to a Texas sex crime lawyer by dialing 214-522-9404. Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C. has lawyers that are ready to answer your questions during a free case evaluation. You’re also free to visit our website to learn more about our law firm and how we fight to defend our clients.


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